Your Publishing Dreams Begin Here – Meet Your New Book Coach

Why Isn’t It Working?

You’ve read all the craft books.

Your Google history is littered with searches like, “How do I get published?”

Podcasters and bloggers explain how they land agents or launch to thousands of raving fans, but all you get is crickets when you try it.

Your significant other won’t tell you the truth. Your mom says she loves your writing. And deep down inside, you don’t want to face reality—your manuscript is broken, and you don’t know how to fix it.

Beta readers give you feedback, but it’s mostly opinion which varies from person to person. Agents don’t even respond to your queries, let alone explain why they’re passing on your project.

Maybe you’ve done your best, but it’s time to get “practical” or to be “responsible.” Maybe it’s time to give up on your dream.

Or maybe you haven’t found the right book coach. Until now…

The Service That Will Change Your Life Forever

You know how to tell a story. You’ve got the “writer’s gene.” But your lack of experience about how the publishing industry works is holding you back.

Editors are crucial. 100% necessary. But having your manuscript professionally edited isn’t enough. What you really need is someone who can bridge the gap between the storytelling and the marketing.

You need a book coach.

What does a book coach do? Great question.

A book coach is someone who can tell you why agents ask for a partial and then ghost you. A book coach can help you revise your manuscript to the point that publishers will be bidding for the right to own the rights.

As with most things in life, the more you do something, the better you get at it.

Imagine a book coach with 23 years’ experience as both a book coach and a ghostwriter. Someone able to turn mediocre manuscripts into 6-figure advances.

That someone is J.D. Barker.

Trusted By Industry Heavy-Hitters

Hit the New York Times bestseller list six times as a ghostwriter.

Trusted with the legend of Dracula by Bram Stoker’s estate to co-write DRACUL with Dacre Stoker.

Received Stephen King’s blessing to use one of his characters in FORSAKEN.

Earned a blurb on THE FOURTH MONKEY from James Patterson and followed that with a co-written novel (with more on the way) which became an instant New York Times Bestseller - hitting the list at number 2.

You can spend all day Googling book coaches, but you won’t find one as qualified and successful as J.D. Barker.

Barker has spent more than two decades working with authors, agents, and editors, so he knows what sells in the publishing industry—and what doesn’t.

So how does one sell a book in the publishing industry?

Simple Mistakes That Will Burn Your Author Career To The Ground

You need a manuscript that is a 5-star read.

Agents are busy. Whether it’s an administrative assistant or the agent, most slush pile manuscripts get shuffled into the garbage can within seconds.

In other words, agents want a manuscript they can sell today. That means the book shouldn’t leave your desk until it’s been polished, perfected, and primped.

If you complete a novel and send it to agents with mistakes—even simple ones, agents will blacklist you. Those bridges will be burned, doors slammed.

The next time they see your email address in their inbox, they’ll hit the delete key without a second thought. Yes, this world can be that cold.

Don’t despair. This sounds daunting, but the good news is that most books can be fixed. If you have the right book coach working on it with you.

Secrets Of The Trade From A Successful Book Coach

J.D. can guide you through the process, chapter by chapter.

Whether you’re looking for an agent or planning on self-publishing your novel, it must be perfect.

Barker will help you address some of the most common problems that get most manuscripts rejected by agents or readers browsing Amazon: passive voice, showing versus telling, information dumps, and pacing.

How Much Time And Money Can You Afford To Lose?

  • Tens of dollars on dozens of craft books.
  • Hundreds of dollars on online courses.
  • Thousands of dollars on editing and proofreading.

Without a book coach, you’re wasting precious time and money.

Your Ticket To Success Awaits

Maybe it’s time to put your limited resources to work and get that publishing deal you’ve always dreamed about.

Whether it’s help with your query letter, optimizing your Amazon page, 1-on-1 book coaching, or an overhaul of your manuscript, J.D. is ready to help you achieve your dream and cross that novel off your bucket list.

With the right book coach and a plan for success, there will be nothing stopping you.

What Authors Are Saying About J. D. Barker

"J.D.’s commentaries and suggestions were direct and to the point. Through his mentorship, our novel improved exponentially, and in the process, we substantially refined our writing skills...Working with J.D. was an experience we will treasure forever, and dearly hope to repeat in the future. We are forever indebted to him for his support and friendship."

V. & D. Povall authors of ASCENSION – KELAHYA UNBOUND (The Perils of a Reluctant Psychic series)

“J.D. is masterful in his critique and editing style. After reviewing my manuscript, he knew exactly what I needed and helped me transform my story into a book that finally sings! With J.D.'s help, my manuscript is now at the next level, my agent is smiling and I am a better writer.”

John Newcomb

“It's hard to express how great J.D. has been in helping the evolution of my manuscript into a much stronger book. He's a pleasure to work with and has an exceptional understanding of how to structure a novel and words. It's very kind of him to share his insight, and I feel fortunate that he took time out of his own busy writing schedule to help me improve my work. His generosity of spirit and effectiveness of critique are golden.”

Mark Reedy

“J.D. Barker’s mentoring program is the ultimate graduate study for writers. The “assignments” are challenging, sometimes frustrating, always powerful. I find myself working harder in this program than I did in my doctoral or even post-doc courses. J.D. gives straight, hard-hitting assessments of both glaring and subtle issues in my story, and he shows me how to make the necessary changes. J.D. is the perfect mentor—he’s brilliant, generous, and kind. My only regret is that I didn’t start working with him years ago.”

Jessica H. Stone

Your Future Self Will Thank You

Everything in those craft books suddenly makes sense.

You don’t need to scroll through millions of Google searches on, “How to get published?”

Information on blogs and podcasts click in a way it didn’t before. Things are making sense.

You sign with an agent who’s excited to represent your project in New York and Hollywood.

You keep writing. You’re living the dream.

Don’t miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Hire your new book coach today.

Book Coaching Services

Query Letter Perfection
single payment
A poorly-written or improperly formatted query letter will have an agent passing on your project faster than a cat lapping chain lightning. Don’t trust those random online templates. This service will tune-up your query letter and grab an agent’s attention.
Amazon Product Page Optimization
single payment
You have less than 5 seconds to get a reader’s attention when browsing your book’s Amazon product page. Don’t lose that sale before they even give your book a chance. Learn how to optimize your page to take your sales to the next level.
One Hour Zoom Consultation
single payment
Hunting for an agent? Trying to maximize your marketing efforts? Overwhelmed? The author journey can be confusing - Spend an hour with an industry leader reviewing your current author business and create a plan to get to that next level.
Expert Book Coaching
NOTE: CURRENTLY SOLD OUT - Please reach out via the Contact Tab to reserve a future spot!
The most difficult thing you will ever do in this business is to write your first novel. Trying to navigate those uncharted waters all alone can be a daunting, unforgiving journey. Get expert help every step of the way from fleshing out your story to writing, polishing, editing, and finally submitting your book.
single payment
Do you have a messy collection of ideas but no solid plot? Do you have a loose outline but can't seem to find your story in all that noise? Do you know what you want your novel to say, but not quite how to start writing it? Then Story Sculpture is what you need. I'll go over your notes, your characters, your outline if you have one. I'll teach you how to assemble your ideas over a sound story foundation. I won't write your plot, twists or reveals for you, but I will show you where they belong if they're missing. Outline reviews are capped at 20 pages. Story Sculpture includes your orientation email exchange with me, and after I review your materials and return my evaluation, up to an additional four follow up emails if you still have questions.
The Manuscript Renovation
single payment
You’ve written a novel and received nothing but rejection slips from agents. As a former book doctor of twenty-three years, I’ve picked through thousands of novels and helped find the diamond under all that rough for authors, agents, and editors. While I won’t rewrite your novel for you, I’ll point out everything I feel is wrong and try to get you on the road to a sale. You’ll receive a detailed editorial letter along with substantial notes throughout your manuscript. Warning: I don’t hold back. If you can handle honest feedback and are willing to do the work to fix it, this is for you! Don’t miss out. This introductory price won’t last long so grab it now before it’s too late. Price based on a novel of 80,000 words or less. If your novel exceeds 80,000 words, an additional charge of .025 per word will apply.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a writing coach?

What does a book coach do?

How do I find a writing coach?

Can you guarantee me a multi-book, 6-figure book deal?

Why are you offering this service to writers?

How will you be able to help me with my manuscript?

If I want to self-publish, can you still help me?

How did you learn all of this?

Can’t I eventually learn all of this on my own?

Got Questions?

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