

THE COAST-TO-COAST MURDERS By James Patterson and J.D. Barker is now available for pre-order!

A note from J.D.

Links for THE COAST-TO-COAST MURDERS are up! Get your pre-orders in to guarantee the best price. Signed hardcover editions are available through RiverRun Bookstore in Portsmouth, NH, and select indie bookstores nationwide. Best part? They’ll ship!

From the Publisher –
A detective and FBI agent join forces on what seems like an open-and-shut case — but a new rash of killings sends them on a pulse-pounding race against time in this intense thriller.

Michael and Megan Fitzgerald are siblings who share a terrifying past. Both adopted, and now grown — Michael is a long-haul truck driver, Megan a college student majoring in psychology — they trust each other before anyone else. They’ve had to. Their parents are public intellectuals, an Ivy League clinical psychologist and a renowned psychiatrist, and they brought up their adopted children in a rarefied, experimental environment. It sheltered them from the world’s harsh realities, but it also forced secrets upon them, secrets they keep at all costs.

In Los Angeles, Detective Garrett Dobbs and FBI Agent Jessica Gimble have joined forces to work a murder that seems like a dead cinch. Their chief suspect is quickly identified and apprehended –but then there’s another killing just like the one they’ve been investigating. And another. And not just in Los Angeles — the spree spreads across the country. The Fitzgerald family comes to the investigators’ attention, but Dobbs and Gimble are at a loss — if one of the four is involved, which Fitzgerald might it be?

From coastal California to upstate New York, Dobbs and Gimble race against time and across state lines to stop an ingenious and deeply deranged killer — one whose dark and twisted appetites put them outside the range of logic or experience.

Obtain your copy –

Barnes & Noble
Book Depository

Signed Hardcovers

Barnes & Noble
Google Play

Audible (Coming Soon!)


Release Date: September 21, 2020
Page Count: 576
Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-0316457422
eBook ASIN: B084FY7C68
Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1538718957

Praise for J.D. Barker

“J.D. Barker is a one-of-a-kind writer and that’s a rare and special thing. Stephen King comes to mind and Lee Child, John Sandford. All one-of-a-kinds. Don’t miss anything J.D. writes.”
James Patterson, #1 International Bestselling Author

“A talented writer with a delightfully devious mind!”
Jeffery Deaver, NY Times Bestselling Author

“I don’t say this lightly: J.D. Barker is a force to be reckoned with.”
Tosca Lee, NY Times Bestselling Author

“Barker knows how to evoke chilling imagery and will have readers anxiously looking over their shoulders with each terrifying “clickity, click, click.”
— Library Journal

“Barker is a master wordsmith.”

“Masterful storytelling.”
— Bookish

“It is clear Barker is a name to watch.”
—The Horror Bookshelf

“Mr. Barker may have begun by following in the footsteps of such literary royalty as Stephen King, Thomas Harris, and Dean Koontz, but he has blazed a unique path all his own.”
— Fresh Fiction


She Has A Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be by J.D. Barker is now available!

A note from J.D.


I hope this message finds you safe, healthy, and surrounded by those you love.

In these trying times, the things that are important in life become abundantly clear. Like all of you, as I write this, I’m holed up in the house. Yes, we have plenty of toilet paper. Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon have replaced my regular trips to the local movie theater. I just spent twenty minutes trying to explain to my daughter why we can’t visit the library. Her response was, “Okay, Dada. Now go to library?” Two-year-olds don’t really understand quarantine. My wife is hanging pictures, trying to make our house (currently about 60% through a major renovation) feel less like a construction zone and more like a home. In interest of everyone’s safety, we’ve sent all the workers home, not knowing when anyone will be back. I can see our neighbors through my office window, they’re working on their already immaculate yard. I gave them a quick wave through the window, the extent of today’s visit.

We will come out of this. Of that, I have no doubt. When is the real question. Who will come out of it, being another. I want you, your family, and all those you encounter to be safe. Don’t take unnecessary chances. Wearing gloves and a mask to get gas may seem weird, but if it gets us safely to the other side of this, why not? There is nothing stronger than the human spirit, our ability to adapt, recuperate, and excel. At some point, this virus will go from a “what if” to a “remember when.” We’ll emerge. We’ll thrive.

Like everything else in today’s world, releasing a novel during a time like this has been a challenge. More than 400 Barnes & Noble’s closed yesterday. Amazon (rightfully so) is giving shipping priorities to essentials and while some of us may consider books “essential” they’re a little further down the list than other items. Many of you may have pre-ordered this novel only to receive a message today saying Amazon may not ship it for another month. If that’s the case, please be patient. Try to think of all the other things they are shipping and the people waiting on those things. It will eventually get to you and when it does arrive, I hope it provides you a much deserved distraction. If you don’t want to wait on Amazon (or the other online retailers), reach out to RiverRun Bookstorein Portsmouth, NH, they have signed hardcovers available. Select indie bookstores nationwide do as well. Best part? They’ll all ship! Use this as an opportunity to support these local businesses.

Stay safe, all.

From the Publisher –
A haunting tale of suspense, rendered with the masterful skill only Barker could muster. 

After the loss of his parents, young Jack Thatch first met Stella as a child—this cryptic little girl of eight with dark hair and darker eyes, sitting alone on a bench in the cemetery clutching her favorite book. Gone moments later, the brief encounter would spark an obsession. She’d creep into his thoughts, his every waking moment, until he finally finds her again exactly one year later, sitting upon the same bench, only to disappear again soon after. 

The body of a man found in an alley, every inch of his flesh horribly burned, yet his clothing completely untouched. For Detective Faustino Brier, this wasn’t the first, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. It was no different from the others. He’d find another just like it one year from today. August 9, to be exact.

Isolated and locked away from the world in a shadowy lab, a little boy known only as Subject “D” waits, grows, learns. He’s permitted to speak to no one. He has never known the touch of another. Harboring a power so horrific, those in control will never allow him beyond their walls.

All of them linked in ways unimaginable.

SHE HAS A BROKEN THING WHERE HER HEART SHOULD BE conjures thoughts of early King and Koontz. A heart-pounding ride that creeps under your skin and will have you turning pages long into the night.

Obtain your copy –

Barnes & Noble

Signed Hardcovers


Special note: One of my favorite narrators, David Aaron Baker, recorded this one! He’s best know for his work on the ODD THOMAS series for Dean Koontz. 


Release Date: March 31, 2020
Page Count: 774
Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-1-7342104-1-5
eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-7342104-0-8
Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1-7342104-2-2

Praise for J.D. Barker

“J.D. Barker is a one-of-a-kind writer and that’s a rare and special thing. Stephen King comes to mind and Lee Child, John Sandford. All one-of-a-kinds. Don’t miss anything J.D. writes.”
James Patterson, #1 International Bestselling Author

“A talented writer with a delightfully devious mind!”
Jeffery Deaver, NY Times Bestselling Author

“I don’t say this lightly: J.D. Barker is a force to be reckoned with.”
Tosca Lee, NY Times Bestselling Author

“Barker knows how to evoke chilling imagery and will have readers anxiously looking over their shoulders with each terrifying “clickity, click, click.”
— Library Journal

“Barker is a master wordsmith.”

“Masterful storytelling.”
— Bookish

“It is clear Barker is a name to watch.”
—The Horror Bookshelf

“Mr. Barker may have begun by following in the footsteps of such literary royalty as Stephen King, Thomas Harris, and Dean Koontz, but he has blazed a unique path all his own.”
— Fresh Fiction




A haunting tale of suspense, rendered with the masterful skill only Barker could muster.

After the loss of his parents, young Jack Thatch first met Stella as a child—this cryptic little girl of eight with dark hair and darker eyes, sitting alone on a bench in the cemetery clutching her favorite book. Gone moments later, the brief encounter would spark an obsession. She’d creep into his thoughts, his every waking moment, until he finally finds her again exactly one year later, sitting upon the same bench, only to disappear again soon after.

The body of a man found in an alley, every inch of his flesh horribly burned, yet his clothing completely untouched. For Detective Faustino Brier, this wasn’t the first, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. It was no different from the others. He’d find another just like it one year from today. August 9, to be exact.

Isolated and locked away from the world in a shadowy lab, a little boy known only as Subject “D” waits, grows, learns. He’s permitted to speak to no one. He has never known the touch of another. Harboring a power so horrific, those in control will never allow him beyond their walls.

All of them linked in ways unimaginable.

SHE HAS A BROKEN THING WHERE HER HEART SHOULD BE conjures thoughts of early King and Koontz. A heart-pounding ride that creeps under your skin and will have you turning pages long into the night.

“J.D. Barker is a one-of-a-kind writer and that’s a rare and special thing. Stephen King comes to mind and Lee Child, John Sandford. All one-of-a-kinds. Don’t miss anything J.D. writes.”
—James Patterson, #1 International Bestselling Author

“A talented writer with a delightfully devious mind!”
—Jeffery Deaver, NY Times Bestselling Author

“I don’t say this lightly: J.D. Barker is a force to be reckoned with.”
—Tosca Lee, NY Times Bestselling Author


This was a book I needed to write. After completing the 4MK series, such a dark series, something light was required to scrub out some of the hard to reach places of my brain. I had fun writing 4MK, but there were many moments when I pushed my MacBook across the desk, sat back, and said, “holy fuck, did that really just come out of my head?”

If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, you’re in for a treat. My publisher managed to get David Aaron Baker to narrate this one. He’s best known for audio versions of the ODD THOMAS series for Dean Koontz – another of my all-time favorites.

I think you’ll find this book is a bit of a departure for me. It takes place over decades rather than days and moves at a slightly slower pace than some of my other works. If you’re a fan of those faster-paced thrillers, no worries, I’ve got more on the way, I just wanted to try something a little different. It’s not only a throw-back to the ’80s but also a homage to one of my favorite novels, GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Charles Dickens. In many ways, this novel is me paying respect to those I grew up reading. The stories that shaped me – those books I read under the covers with a flashlight over and over again.

Most of all, I wrote this one for my little girl. One day, when she’s a little older, I’d like her to know not all of Daddy’s books end in a dark place. Some do have happy endings. But much like life, sometimes you have to stumble through the dark to find the light, that little Ember lighting the way.



Have you cast your vote for the GoodReads Choice Awards yet? #4MK

To vote:

Woohoo! Voting is open! If you read The Sixth Wicked Child and enjoyed it, I would greatly appreciate it if you cast a quick vote. It only takes a second.

Click on this link.

Scroll to the bottom of the page.


…and click vote.

THE SIXTH WICKED CHILD is already up for a number of awards, but this one in particular means a lot to me because it’s the only one voted on 100% by readers. Nothing means more to me than your opinion.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day and giving this little book a lift. And thank you for recommending the series to others! Word-of-mouth means the world.

I’ll see you soon in 2020 with two new titles!

